
Help prevent vandalism, theft, and have a safer place to live or work.

Install a Digital Video Recorder and Surveillance System Today.


It’s clear that with digital technology and streaming video we’ve moved into the era of being able to conduct comprehensive video surveillance and store the resulting evidence indefinitely. The internet has enabled video surveillance to be instituted virtually anywhere and be watched from anywhere in the world.


Call Toll Free for a Quote

 (866) 283-7606


9/11 redefines video surveillance for the future

Nothing changed the concept of or the public’s awareness of video surveillance as much as the tragic events of September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists. Where once people saw video surveillance as an issue that might never affect them, it was now an issue of immediate and lasting importance.



Surveillance is now being used  for business and personal needs. It has become affordable for everyone to have and help keep us safe and secure.

  DVR’s (Digital) instead of  VCR’s (Cassette) have become a better way to record video as well as PC based DVR’s.

  The popularity of hidden cameras pushed the industry to develop ever-smaller, higher resolution cameras that could be hidden almost anywhere

Above is an example of what you see when using surveillance software.

 Call and give us your needs and we will give you a quote. We will do our best to inform you of what is available and best for your requirements.

Call Toll Free for a Quote

 (866) 283-7606


It may be necessary to go to location to do a complete quote based on what your needs are and what you would prefer.


















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Last modified: 01/30/06